sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015

Journal #2

Before to talk about today's session I want to say that the book which I have to implement during my whole class doesn't have enough activities for each topic. I mean, there are only two pages for each topic with some and silly exercises. Moreover, I have five hours with eight graders so it is necessary to implement more activities. I have to mention that last week we have worked on the book, so, taking advantage to this situation I implemented more activities like games, online games, songs, and others.

For this session I showed to my eight graders a video related to the vocabulary to describe people. Then I described myself and some of them. Then students watched some famous characters with their corresponding description in order to know the steps to describe their partners or a famous person in a guessing game. 

After that we play an online test. In this test here were eight descriptions and eight pictures. Each one had to read the description. In that moment most of them wanted to answer at the same time and misbehave as well, so I decided to play pass, pass stop in order to control the discipline. Doing that, the student who got the object had the opportunity to choose the correct character.
Finally, students listened a description of some people who had stolen some objects and chose the correct face. At the beginning they only listened the description and some of them caught some words and the main idea. But I notice that student with low proficiency did not understand I showed them the transcript while they were listening the description. In that way those students also participated in the activity. 

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