During this class with seven graders I showed my students the parts of a new car in order to compare it with others which were older. Looking at the cars, they identify the parts that older car did not had and which the new car had. After that, students made a reading comprehension about the history of the cars. Students identify the name of each car then they made a comparison using was or were in order to express what each car had. For example in 1885 there weren't cars with windshields.
After doing that and giving some examples I explained them the use of was and were to talk about past. Then students made and answer some questions related to the reading using yes no questions. At the end of the class I implemented an online game. The group were divided in two groups. Each participant had to answer a question. Each one threw the dice and he or she move foward some spaces. In that part students reinforce what they had learn and enjoy at the same time. During the game I could notice that among them, they explained some rules of the topic in order to answer corectly.
With those kind of estrategies like the use of online games and videos, students felt more motivaded and their anxiety is lower. I could notice that even the students with low proficiency could understand most of the question and answers and at the same time they enjoyed the activity.
Using video games in the classroom is a very authentic iniciative. As you have shown us there are really important benefits such as increasing motivation and helping students wiith different skills. And want to know what are the difficulties emerged when you apply videogames in class? how you can overcome them? Thank you.
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment. Maybe one of the difficulties is when there is not internet conection, so you have to have a plan B. Another is that students want to answer all the questions all the time, so you have apply any strategy in order to control the discipline. In my case I divide the class in 2 groups and I tell them that each question is for each students but the group can give some clues.